The Quantum Plates
Flat Quantum Dots
Nexdot’s first major discovery, the Quantum Plates were a major breakthrough in Quantum Dots. We move from a three-dimensional confinement, the classical Quantum Dots being spherical, to a one-dimensional confinement. This gives the Quantum Plates extremely interesting properties, with increased performance in terms of brightness, color purity and energy conservation.
These flat Quantum Dots, which Nexdot can control to atom-thickness, are also significantly easier to handle and assemble, have better resistance to heat and intense light, and better stability over time.
Naturally Polarized and Directional Emission
The spherical Quantum Dots emit light in several directions. For most applications, only the light emitted in a cone, depending on the direction of the excitation light, will be really useful. The light emitted out of this cone, on the sides, does not participate in the efficiency of the device, and therefore represents a loss of energy.
Quantum Plates, on the other hand, preferentially emit a naturally polarized light in one direction. The excitation energy can thus be used more efficiently.
Resistance to Heat and Intense Light
Heat-resistance is a very important issue for the industrial use of Quantum Dots. In the screens currently marketed, the Quantum Dots must be placed away from the excitation light source, since the heat released by it could destroy them.
Obviously, this requires a slight increase in the thickness of the screen, and complicates its manufacture.
Quantum Plates are heat resistant enough to be placed directly on the source. This is a valuable gain for our industrial partners.
In addition, our Quantum Plates have been intensively tested in our laboratories with real life conditions. These tests have shown excellent stability over time, well above that of conventional Quantum Dots.