Benoit Dubertret and Peter Reiss, organisers of the conference held at ESPCI in Paris in may 2014 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the discovery of colloidal quantum dots congratulates the three nobel prize winners and are happy to share with the community a picture of the participants at the conference including L. Brus, A. Ekimov and M. Bawendi.
Nexdot was the proud sponsor of this conference.

Quantum Plates
Nexdot is at the origin of the discovery of Quantum Plates, Quantum Dots with 2 dimensions. Their performance far exceeds classic Quantum Dots for the most promising applications, in particular when producing vibrant colors on screens or on projected images.
Nexdot has developed a new method to encapsulate Quantum Plates into Quantum Pearls. This Quantum Pearl encapsulation allows the use of Quantum Plates without major modification of existing production processes, in compliance with RoHS.
A Team of Experts serving the Industry
Nexdot was created in 2010 at the prestigious École Supérieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielles (ESPCI) in the City of Paris, to promote the discoveries made in the laboratory of Physics and Materials Study. Laureate of the Concours Mondial de l’Innovation, Nexdot today brings together dozens of researchers in different laboratories equipped with the latest technologies at the Biocitech center in Romainville.
- Industrial scale production line integrated into the laboratory
Dozens of patent families filed
Support for Industrial Demands
Nexdot has developed a complete expertise combining the synthesis of Quantum Plates, their transformation – by encapsulation for example – and their shaping in complex electro-optical components. Thanks to this rare expertise, Nexdot best meets the demands of manufacturers wishing to incorporate Quantum Plates in their products.
Development of Production Lines
Nexdot sets up the industrial pre-production of Quantum Plates and their encapsulation.
A Leading Player in a Fast-Growing Market
The Quantum Dot market has been growing exponentially, thanks to their potential applications in screens, lighting, infrared detection, energy production and storage. With its exclusive portfolio of technologies and application-oriented methods, Nexdot is the ideal partner for the largest manufacturers.
- Screens and monitors
- Lighting equipment
Nexdot, a Key Industrial Player in the new Quantum Dots Generation
Today, Nexdot is one of the world leaders in the development of Quantum Dots synthesis methods, and in the support of industrial companies for the adaptation of processes requiring these nanoparticles.